Craft – Teru teru bozu 晴天娃娃

IMG_8814 Teru Teru Bozu

Teru teru bōzu 晴天娃娃 (Japanese: 照る照る坊主、てるてる坊主; literally “shine shine monk”) is a little traditional handmade doll made of white paper or cloth that Japanese farmers began hanging outside of their window by a string. In shape and construction they are essentially identical to ghost dolls, such as those made at Halloween. This amulet is supposed to have magical powers to bring good weather and to stop or prevent a rainy day. “Teru” is a Japanese verb which describes sunshine, and a “bōzu” is a Buddhist monk (compare the word bonze), or in modern slang, “bald-headed”; it is also a term of endearment for addressing little boys.

I like the idea of a 晴天娃娃, how it symbolize that the good days are coming. So far I’ve crochet to giveaway 3 and send one to a dear fren in Beijing.

Here is my 3rd one! I love the blue color, I shall crochet a pink one for myself soon!
The pattern is available here


About Elyn

The joy of baking is seeing how much people enjoy them. I would love to offer these "joy" to you so drop me a note and we can discuss!
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1 Response to Craft – Teru teru bozu 晴天娃娃

  1. Gem T says:

    So cute! Love it 🙂 Hope I could find time to learn amigurumi soon!

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