Milo Agar Agar

What could be better than having my comfort dessert after a week long of hectic work?

This is the second time I attempted this recipe and I conveniently forgot that it yields a harder texture, shld hv reduce the amount of agar agar. Morever I read that Rose Brand Agar Agar gives harder texture than the other brand.

Finally I get to use the loaf tin I bought some time back. I saw the same design twice in a day so I tell myself that I must buy it!

Chocolate Layer:
7gm agar agar powder
1 3/4 cups Water
1/3 cup Sugar
3/4 cup Milo

Milk Layer:
8gm agar agar powder
1 1/2 cups water
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup Evaporated Milk

To prepare chocolate layer:
Cook agar agar in water till dissolved
Add sugar and MILO, stir well to dissolve sugar; strain.
Spoon mixture into a 20x20cm square pan or any desired jelly mould.
Allow to set, then lightly scratch surface with fork.

To prepare milk layer:
Cook agar agar in water until dissolved.
Add sugar and stir well until dissolved; strain.
Stir in Full Cream Evaporated Milk and essence.
Carefully spoon milk layer over chocolate.
Chill until set.

About Elyn

The joy of baking is seeing how much people enjoy them. I would love to offer these "joy" to you so drop me a note and we can discuss!
This entry was posted in Desserts, Hello Kitty, Recipes. Bookmark the permalink.

47 Responses to Milo Agar Agar

  1. linda says:

    The Hello Kitty ones are so cute! Love the loaf too…did you cut it with a special knife?

  2. Elyn says:

    It’s not a knife but a plastic cutter, I will find sometime and take a pic of it.

  3. Ellena says:

    Wow… Elyn….these sure look and taste great for festive season…… 🙂 Thanks for sharing the recipe…..

  4. min says:

    for the milk layer, you wrote ”Stir in Full Cream Evaporated Milk and essence.” may i know what is the essence? you didnt state in the ingredients needed. thank you 😀

  5. Elyn says:

    Hi Ellena, do give it a try!

    Hi Min, sorry I left that out. You could add a few drops of vanilla essence if you like.

  6. sweet-tooth says:

    Hi Elyn!
    I’ve been eyeing this recipe for quite a while now.
    But i don’t have milo powder, instead i have loads and loads of 3-in-1 milo powder so i don’t think i’d like to buy more milo..
    So do you think it’s ok for me to replace the milo powder with cocoa powder?
    Thanks 😀

  7. octopusmum says:

    HI Elyn

    The agar agar looks yummy! I bought a packet of rose brand agar agar powder, intending to try to make it tomorrow. May I know if it is okay if i replace the agar agar strands with the powder? also, one packet of powder is only 13g. I would need 15g if it is okay to use powder totally. Will 2g shortage make any difference? one more question, do i need to put the agar agar (milo part) into the fridge to set?

    would appreciate your prompt response. thks v much


  8. Elyn says:

    Hi Octopusmum, the proportion of replacing the strands with powder is 1:1. I feel it will be best to follow the proportion or it may not be firm enough. Yes, you could put the milo part in the fridge to set faster.

  9. octopusmum says:

    HI Elyn

    thks so much for your reply. i tried the agar agar and the taste was so yummy! i used 13 g cause one packet is 13 g and i don’t want to open another packet. the firmness is just nice. but the problem is, my two layers do not stick together.


  10. Elyn says:

    Hi Octopusmum, try scratching the layer slightly with a fork, creating lines before pouring in the next layer, this should help the top layer to stick better.

  11. octopusmum says:

    i did that too but maybe the lines weren’t deep enough or perhaps i waited too long to pour the second layer….anyway will certainly make that again and the next time will make sure the lines are deeper. My eldest loves it and asks me to make again 🙂
    thks much for your replies!


  12. Clare says:

    Hi Elyn,

    Your agaragar looks so yummy…Sedap!!I am agar agar lover and definitely will want to try this recipe. Could you kindly enlighten me on measurement which you have stated in the recipe, 1 3/4 cup of water and 1/3 sugar is equivalent to how many ml or gm?

    Thanks alots for sharing the recipe.

    best regards,

  13. Elyn says:

    Hi Clare, 1 3/4 cup is approximately 425ml of water. 1/3 cup is 75gm sugar.

  14. Clare says:

    Hi Elyn,

    Thanks alots for yr advise. Will try this recipe this week.

    Have an egg-xcellent easter day!hehe…..


  15. Alice says:

    Hi Elyn,

    I tried this out for a birthday party and my friends loved it so much and is easy to make too!

    Thanks so much for sharing the recipe. 🙂

  16. Elyn says:

    Hi Alice, you are most welcome! Glad your frens love it 🙂

  17. yng says:

    Hi Elyn,

    The Hello Kitty mold is absolutely adorable!
    I only found agar-agar sticks/strands here, may I ask, how much I would need for this recipe? 🙂
    I like firm agar-agars~

  18. Elyn says:

    Hi yng, you could use the same gramage for both strands and powder powder. You could use a little lesser water to have a firmer texture.

  19. Quinn says:

    Hi Elyn, I just wanna thank you for the recipe. I made this over the weekend with my sisters. They tasted good. I just wanna say I quoted you and a link to your page from my blog. Please tell me if you mind so I could have it removed. Thanks again and good day.

  20. Elyn says:

    Hi Quinn, I’m so glad that yours turn out good too! Do go ahead and put up the link 🙂

  21. Jessica says:

    Hi Elyn,

    wat color of agar agar powder u use to make this ? white and yellow ?


  22. Elyn says:

    Hi Jessica, yes .. white. The color you see as yellow is actually more of a milky color from the evaporated milk.

  23. agaragar says:

    hello elyn
    do u have any tips to get the jelly out of the mould?

  24. Elyn says:

    Hi Agar Agar, you could use a hairdryer to warm up the surface and shld be able to remove easier.

  25. agaragar says:

    haa haa the agar agar smells so delicious!
    thks so much

  26. winnie says:

    Hi Elyn,

    The hello kitty mold is adorable. May i know where do you buy this mold? Thanks

  27. Elyn says:

    Hi Winnie, I bought it from Hong Kong.

  28. corine says:

    Hi Elyn,

    May i know can i use milo 3 in 1?


  29. Elyn says:

    Hi Corine, I’ve not tried 3 in 1 before cos they have added creamer and sugar inside. you could give it a try but probably reduce sugar a little.

  30. erisel says:

    Hi Elyn,

    I just tried your recipe. It turned out well. I used hershey cocoa powder instead of milo.I should add a little bit more sugar as the cocoa powder is unsweetened. It’s a bit bitter to my liking. But overall it’s great! Next time, i will try adding caramel sauce. hehe. Thanks for your recipe and the moulds!

  31. Bella says:

    Hi Elyn,

    The recipe turned out well. May i know where you got the ‘Hello Kitty’ mould from?

  32. Mrs Chong says:

    Hi Bella,

    I got my ‘hello kitty’ mould from Sun Lik at the small lane next to Raffles Hotel.

  33. aida rosli says:

    i was nuts about the kitty face mold….but i got em..yay!..tried this recipe many times over and it works each time…friends and neighbours love em!…but don’t scrap to attach the layers as the milo bits will float on the milk layer…SLOWLY and CAREFULLY poke a fork through the layers..3 or four points….dont worry it will not spoil the agar2 look at all and this applies for all layered agar-agar…it really does work..APPLAUSE for Elyn for this simple yet yummy number!

  34. Fizayu says:

    Thank you so much for this recipe. I loved it the first time i tried this recipe, but tweaked it a bit t suit my taste. Have had family request for this for the last few weeks so thank you so much!

    I’ve added this to my blog and will credit you for this recipe.

  35. Elyn says:

    Hi Fizayu, glad you like it 🙂

  36. Carol says:

    hi Elyn, just wondering, have you tried using fresh milk, coconut cream etc instead of evaporated milk? If so, would the quantity be the same at 1cup? Thanks!

  37. jenny chin says:

    y my cake always turn out very hard like a stone?

  38. carol says:

    Hi Elyn

    I happen to see this receipe and like it very much. However, I always have problem with agar agar once there is a need to have two layers. Is it we need to cook the chocolate layer first and let it set totally then we cook the milk layer? There was a lot of lumpy stuff too in my chocolate layer. Please advise. Thank you.

    • Elyn says:

      Hi Carol, Yes .. you need to coke the chocolate layer and leave it to almost set, if it’s set then the top layer may not stick. Try using a spoon to gently spoon the milk layer onto the chocolate layer and not pouring down. To get 2 layers to stick better, you can use a fork to lightly scratch the surface before adding the milk layer. HTH!

  39. carol says:

    Hi Elyn

    Thanks so much for your advice will try again tomorrow. Another thing is why your agar agar looks so shiny and the milo layer looks so bright.
    My looks dull. Is there anything I need to add to have the effect? Or is it because it is in a photo?

  40. Amanda says:

    is it okay to use normal milk in place of evaporated milk

  41. Amanda says:

    Oh ok thanks

    btw the agar agar was delicious, will be making it again as it is very easy

    Only problem was that the layers would not stick together. and i couldnt really remove it from the mould

    any ideas


  42. Baking Mum says:


    i am lousy in conversion. may i know 1/2 cup sugar, 3/4 cup milo & 1 1/2 cup water is equal to how many ml and grams? tks

  43. AC says:

    do you ever have a problem where the colour start to run into the white layers?I used colouring for the coloured layer and after a while, the white layer seem to have a hint of the coloured layers. Any way of keep the white layer white? Thanks


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